Cruises to Yokohama


The second largest city in Japan, Yokohama is situated in the diverse and cosmopolitan area of Tokyo Bay. It is a stunning city filled with hundreds of attractive landscapes to tantalise and stimulate the senses. Travellers can expect to marvel at Yokohama’s large, contemporary open spaces - such as Minato Mirai 21 - and experience traditional tea ceremonies in the city’s secluded gardens.


Minato Mirai 21

An unmistakable mark on Yokohama’s skyline, Minato Mirai is the city’s shopping, entertainment, and cultural district.

Sankeien Garden

This beautiful garden is filled with traditional Japanese buildings and thousands of indigenous plants and trees.

Osanbashi Pier

If you’re travelling to Yokohama via cruise, you will visit Osanbashi Pier - an architectural marvel, made predominantly of wood and secluded grass spots.

Yokohama Chinatown

Although Yokohama’s local Chinese popular number between 3000-4000, this Chinatown is famed as being one of the largest in the world. It is a perfect opportunity for shopping, dining, and witnessing traditional Chinese temples.


Located in southern Yokohama, this beautiful temple is the worst-kept secret in the city and is a perfect opportunity to avoid the busy queues at Kamakura.

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