Cabin Location - Factors to Consider

You may want to do your research before choosing a cabin so you know what elements to look out for. Here are some factors to consider when picking the perfect cabin location onboard:

  • Stability - If you are someone who tends to suffer from seasickness, cabin location is key. The lower and more central you are in the ship, the less movement you will feel. Even if you opt for a stateroom with a balcony, choose the lowest level you can find.
  • Distance - Some cruise guests know exactly where they want to stay, but if you are new to cruising, do some research into where certain things are on your ship. If you are a lover of the sun, you may prefer an upper-deck location close to the pools and sunbathing areas. Similarly, those that are keen to experience the nightlife on board may wish to be closer to the bars and clubs for easier access.
  • Noise - If you’d like to avoid certain noises then we’d recommend asking for advice from the Cruise Consultant at the time of booking. Ship layouts vary and our Cruise Consultants can best advise where would be suitable if you want to avoid certain sounds.
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