Carnival Dress Code

Cruise Casual & Cruise Elegant

 (If you are on a 1-5 night cruise you will have one Elegant evening, if you are on a cruise for 6 nights or more you will have 2 Elegant evenings)


- Cruise Casual Day: Shorts and tops (short sleeved or sleeveless), sundresses, etc

- Cruise Casual Evening: Casual dresses, casual skirts or pants and blouses/tops, summer dresses, Capri pants, dress shorts, Jeans (no cut-offs)

- Cruise Elegant Evening: Cocktail dresses, pantsuits, elegant skirts and blouses; ladies may also wish to wear an evening gown


- Cruise Casual Day: Shorts, polo shirts, t-shirts, etc

- Cruise Casual Evening: Sport slacks, khakis, Jeans (no cut-offs), dress shorts (long), collared sport shirts

- Cruise Elegant Evening:  Dress slacks, dress shirts, and we also suggest a sport coat; men may also wish to wear a suit and tie or tuxedo


In the evening for both men and women avoid: Cut-off Jeans, men’s sleeveless shirts, gym or basketball shorts, baseball hats, flip-flops and bathing suit attire.

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