Steps to avoid medical assistance onboard

In order to ensure you have a great time on your cruise, it’s wise to take steps to avoid needing medical treatment onboard. These steps include:

  • Fill your prescriptions: If you require regular medication, make sure to top-up before you travel and that you have the required amount for the duration of your cruise.
  • Store and label your medication: Make sure you carefully label your medication so that should you lose it, it has a greater chance of being returned to you. You might want to store your medication in your stateroom safe or if it does need to be kept cool most cabins feature a mini fridge.
  • Know your limits: If you have a respiratory or heart condition, don’t put too much pressure on yourself by taking part in long periods of exertive activity.
  • If you think you may get seasick, you could purchase sea sickness tablets before you travel or also invest in motion sickness bands.
  • Invest in a travel first aid kit so that you have plasters at hand if you get a small scratch or blister.
  • Stay safe in the sun by drinking plenty of water, sitting in the shade and consistently applying a high factor sun cream.
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