Things to remember before your cruise

There are a few things you need to consider about your health before you set foot on your cruise ship. Remember to always pack any medication you take on a regular basis. You don’t want to find yourself on holiday without it - so make sure it’s top of the list!

Secondly, remember to get some form of travel insurance. You need to ensure you have any medical costs covered should you become injured in a foreign country and need to go to hospital - so invest in this.

If you want to save money on your cruise, and are hoping to prevent the need to splash out for medical kits on board, then taking a first aid kit may also be a good idea.

You can even put your own kit together if you don’t want to buy a specialised one. Regular medications that you can include are the likes of diarrhoea relief tablets, seasickness tablets and also paracetamol. However, if you forget something, don’t worry - there are shops onboard. But please take note that they will not be open when the ship is docked at a port.

You may also need injections should you be travelling to certain parts of the world, so always be sure to check with your doctor before heading out on any break.

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