Cruises to Le Havre


Le Havre is a bustling French port at the mouth of the Siene, it was heavily bombed during the Battle of Normandy and visitors flock to tourist sites such as the D-Day beaches and Honfleur. Paris is a must see city about 200km from Le Havve, here you can take in the famous art galleries or take a tour of the Eiffel Tower.


Arc de Triomphe

Built to celebrate Napoleon's victories, the Arc de Triomphe is the starting point of the military parade on Bastille Day down the Champs-Elysees.

D-Day beaches

Explore the historic beaches where so many soldiers died. You'll see German bunkers, monuments and other evidence of the historical battles that took place here on D-Day.

Eiffel Tower

Built in 1889 to celebrate modern France during the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world attracting millions of visitors every year.

Malraux Museum

The Musee Malraux (known as MuMa) was opened in 1961 and houses the nation's most extensive collections of Impressionist paintings in France outside of Paris.

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