
Accessories are one of the easiest things to forget to pack when heading out on a cruise. Everything from passports to plug adaptors are common items that are misplaced when it comes to packing your bags before an exciting break.

In this guide we’re going to cover:

  • Essential accessories to pack before a cruise
  • Helpful ways to remind yourself what to pack


With this guide to hand, your next holiday packing experience should be somewhat more relaxed ­leaving you the chance to get excited about your break, as opposed to worrying about packing your bags!

Essential accessories to pack before a cruise

There are essential items that you should pack before going on any cruise, and these vary from everything including vital documentation through to important technology. Take a look at our collection of accessories below to make sure you have some of the key items tucked safely away in your bags.

Travel documents

Before going on any break, it’s important that you have the travel docs you need in order to fly/cruise successfully. For example, you need to ensure that you have your passport to hand, alongside copies of any travel documents you might need including boarding tickets and booking confirmations.

Plug adaptors and chargers

The last thing you want on your break is to arrive only to find you’ve actually forgotten your plug chargers for all your important devices. You may also need adaptors depending on which cruiseliner you’re holidaying with. We recommend you check whether you’ll need them before you go to avoid being stuck without an adaptor.


When you’re away from home, it’s easy to forget that you no longer have access to the cupboards filled with paracetamol and other various medicines you use on a daily basis. Make sure you don’t forget what you may need and tuck them safely away into your luggage.


If you’re travelling to somewhere hot, make sure you pack sun cream in a factor that’s suited to your body type. When cruising, there tends to be a breeze whilst you’re sunbathing, and this can lead to you burning easily without you noticing. Make sure you keep topped up, and ensure the rest of your travel party does too.

Multi­currency card

If you’re going on a cruise that travels to other countries who use a different currency, than a currency card is ideal. Modern ones will allow you to easily switch between currencies, meaning no matter where you are, your card will be ready to get on with some spending.


If you’re going on a cruise, it’s important to make sure you don’t forget your sunglasses. Being exposed to sunshine throughout the day without sunglasses isn’t ideal, so it’s always best to make sure they are in your bag. It’s also important to make sure you have the case for them too. Hard­back cases are the best, as they help to avoid any breakage or damage occurring when your sunglasses are in your bag.


On your cruising break, you’re going to be confronted with some truly magnificent scenery, as well as creating memories that you’re going to want to last. Taking a camera will help you to document your holiday. Getting home and printing them can really provide you with a great keepsake from your break that you can revisit time and time again.

Mobile Phone

Whilst we do recommend you take the time to read up on your data charges, we also believe you’ll probably want to have your phone close to hand during your break. You may need to contact home or need it to get in touch with someone should there be an emergency.

And it’s also a good idea to provide a way of communicating with you for those who aren’t on holiday too, especially if you have someone taking care of your house/pets.


During your cruise break, there will likely be days where you’re at sea for 24 hours. It will then be left to you to keep yourself entertained after you’ve exhausted all the pools and onboard amenities. Keeping a tablet or an e­reader in your bag can offer you hours of entertainment without costing you a penny.

Helpful ways to remind yourself what to pack

So now you have an idea of the types of essentials you should be remembering, what ways can you ensure you don’t forget your cruising accessories?

List making

List making is one of those tasks that has survived despite technology, and that’s because making a list is one of the best ways to ensure everything gets done. This is also true when it comes to packing.

Putting all the things you need onto a list, and adding new things whenever you remember them, will help you to keep a long collection of items together without having to think about it all the time. Your mind can be better delegated to other tasks surrounding your holiday, so always remember to make a list.

Set reminders on your phone

Another way to remember your accessories is by setting an alarm reminder on your phone. If you worry you might forget your passport, for example, a friendly alarm on the day of your holiday will ensure you don’t.

This is also a good way to remember anything that you think of when you’re out and about. The alarm will be helpful when it comes to reminding yourself what you need later.

Are you interested in going on a cruising break?

If you’re interested in going on a cruise for your next holiday, then why not explore our website and see what holiday options are available for you?

We offer cruises across Europe and the rest of the world from some of the leading cruise providers around the globe. You can fly and cruise, cruise and stay and there’s even no­fly cruises too, making this holiday type suitable for a range of travellers.

To speak to someone direct with any queries, feel free to call on 0800 408 0757 and one of our helpful staff will be more than happy to assist you.

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