It’s true that one of the most common questions asked by cruise-goers (particularly first-timers) is whether or not a cruise ship is safe. Don’t worry if this has crossed your mind too, because it’s a perfectly normal concern to have, especially if this isn’t the type of holiday you are accustomed to.

If you and your family are hoping for a fun-filled and memorable holiday, it’s only natural to want to know that there are health and safety regulations in place to ensure that your journey is as safe as possible. You can find out about some of the core safety practices carried out by cruise lines in the following information.


  • Familiarise yourself with your ship’s report card - As cruise ships expand and more people and facilities are allowed onboard, it’s vital that the ship itself is in fantastic condition. For example, vessel sanitation programmes routinely check the cleanliness, repair, food preparation and storage, water quality, hygiene, pest management and many other things that need regular maintenance to ensure that everything meets regulation standards.
  • Be aware of your surroundings - If you enjoy drinking whilst on holiday, be aware that during rough weather the ship can sway slightly, this can affect your balance more than usual if you’ve consumed alcohol. To avoid any tumbles or falls we’d recommend using the lifts rather than the stairs and taking extra care if you plan to go to any of the outside areas of the ship.
  • Storing your medication - Nobody knows better than you how to take care of your medication. Most ships have fridges should you need to keep your medication cool, as well as safes if you want to ensure that it is kept out of reach by others. If you have medication that you may need in an emergency such as an Epi Pen or Asthma Inhaler and you do plan to store them in your cabin, make sure that the person/people you are travelling with know how to access your medication so that they can quickly reach it for you should you need it.
  • Wear medical ID bracelets and necklaces - If you have a condition which sometimes causes you to have seizures or moments of temporary immobility where you are unable to communicate your condition to those around you, we’d suggest wearing a visible medical ID bracelet or necklace. If you happen to slip into a state of unconscious, this ID can help those around you to identify how they can best help you should such an event occur.
  • Find your nearest emergency exit - Wherever you are on the ship, particularly in your cabin, ensure you know your nearest route to your muster station. Most cruise ships now store safety jackets at the muster station, knowing that in the event of an emergency you may not have time to go back to your cabin. It’s worth carrying a map of the ship in your pocket and familiarising yourself with the map on the back of your cabin door which marks your nearest safety exit.
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